午夜An anthology of five horror stories shared by five men trapped in the basement of an office building.@www.molikan.com
午夜An anthology of five horror stories shared by five men trapped in the basement of an office building.@www.molikan.com
回复 :在疾病面前荳荳一家人是多麽的渺小、多麽的無能為力。醫師向荳荳父母說明慈濟是全國最大的骨髓幹細胞中心,能夠做非親屬之間的骨髓配對,一旦配對成功,治癒的機會很高,經由慈濟骨髓關懷小組的努力,奇蹟終於出現,荳荳終於回復健康,重新開始了新的人生。
回复 :该片为澳大利亚导演Goran Stolevski的长片处女作。故事讲述在19世纪马其顿的一个偏僻山村,一个生活在森林的年轻女巫对人类的生活充满了好奇,她意外地杀死了一个村民,然后用这位村民的皮肤装扮成了人类,这也完全激发了女巫的好奇心,她想要装扮成不同的人类来生活。
回复 :The story follows a recent divorcee who spends her daily commute fantasizing about a seemingly perfect couple who live in a house that her train passes daily, but something shocking happens there one day.