以《宝可梦:缴情剑盾》伽勒尔地区为舞台的原创网络动画《薄明之翼》将于2020年1月15日开播!缴情该作描绘了伽勒尔地区年轻人的苦恼和纠葛,也会有游戏中的不少角色登场。曾制作过电影《企鹅公路》的Studio Colorido负责制作。
以《宝可梦:缴情剑盾》伽勒尔地区为舞台的原创网络动画《薄明之翼》将于2020年1月15日开播!缴情该作描绘了伽勒尔地区年轻人的苦恼和纠葛,也会有游戏中的不少角色登场。曾制作过电影《企鹅公路》的Studio Colorido负责制作。
回复 :《同级生》是由A-1 Pictures制作的60分钟爱情影片,该片由中村章子执导,野岛健儿、神谷浩史、石川英郎等配音演出,于2016年2月20日在日本上映。高中入学考获得惊人的满分成绩的模范生左条利人,超受女生欢迎的帅气乐团吉他手草壁光,如此迥异的两人虽念同班级,一直以来却是毫无交集。直到合唱比赛前夕的音乐课,草壁光不经意地注意到左条没有开口唱歌,原以为他是觉得合唱很无趣,然而却在某天看见左条独自一人练唱的身影,鬼使神差下草壁便向他搭了话:“我来教你唱歌吧”。心弦骤紧,不经意的瞬间爱情便悄悄降临,两个少年之间微酸却率真的纯粹情感,在青春校园中缓缓滋长。
回复 :某个春日,安艺伦也在樱花飞舞的坡道上与少女·加藤惠命运般地邂逅,并想着要制作以她为第一女主角的同人游戏。他邀请美术部所属、以同人插画师的身份活动的泽村·斯宾塞·英梨梨,以及学年第一的优等生、身为轻小说作家活跃中的霞之丘诗羽,共同成立了blessing software。并终于发表了第一部作品——。英梨梨和诗羽为了开发大作游戏《寰域编年纪》而前往人气创作者红坂朱音之处。blessing software的代表伦也继续社团活动,和副代表惠一起开始了新作的开发。他起用在做插画师的学妹·波岛出海,向身为制作人的出海之兄·伊织发出委托,和冰堂美智留及其乐队icy tail一同推进着新作的开发,然而……。英梨梨和诗羽的大作会变得如何?伦也和惠的关系发生异变?blessing software的新作究竟会走向何方?围绕着不起眼女主角的青春涂鸦,迎来终幕。
回复 :A young boy takes his mother's place in a group of gemstone-based beings, and must learn to control his powers.This series is set in the fictional Beach City, where ageless alien warriors, the Crystal Gems, live in an ancient beachside temple, protecting the world from evil. They project female humanoid forms from magical gemstones that are the core of their being. The Crystal Gems are Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl and Steven, a young half-human, half-Gem boy who inherited his gemstone from his mother, the Gems' former leader Rose Quartz. As Steven tries to figure out his powers, he spends his days with his human father Greg, his friend Connie, other people in Beach City, or the other Gems, whether to help them save the world or just to hang out. He explores the abilities passed down to him by his mother, which include fusion (the ability of Gems to merge their identities and bodies to form a new and more powerful personality).